Jim BeaverI

James Norman Beaver Jr.

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Wie ktoś może,dlaczego Bobby musiał umrzeć w Supernatural? Bez Niego to już całkiem coś innego,najbarwniejsza postać! Czemu odszedł z serialu?


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Cytat z zagranicznego portalu:

TV Guide Magazine: Why do you think executive producers Sera Gamble and Eric Kripke decided to kill Bobby?
Beaver: I have exactly the same response to this as I had to Deadwood: I don't like it, but dramatically it's absolutely the right thing to do. In both shows, my character's demise was a catalyst for real dramatic shifts in the show. As a writer myself I know how important it is to provide the audience with that, whether they like it or not. Drama is about conflict and it's about putting obstacles in the path of people you who care about. Although I'll miss it, I can't argue the dramatics of it.


Wróci później jako boby z i niego wymiaru ale to już nie będzie to samo... Moim zdaniem. Serial ucierpiał i stracił gdy uśmiercił go

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